Entries by myoptionsjournal-ceo

/NGX5 short strangle

Today, I opened a short strangle on the upcoming month contract of natural gas. The details of this trade are as follows: Date Inst. Mark. # L/S Strike C/P Price Δ Days Max profit Comm. Close P/L 1 8/31/2015 /NGX5 (november) 2.76 2 short 2.3 P 0.018 -0.09 57 $980 $7.42 2 short 3.2 C […]

How to play the markets?

This past week has been incredibly volatile. I played the market drop with a put spread, but could have made much more. Losses by not winning is actually a bit worse of a feeling than actual losses suffered. Anyhow, the markets seem to be calming down, and I’m looking for trades to open. This site is dedicated to […]

/ZNZ5 short strangle

Today I opened my first 10 year treasury bond short strangle (/ZN). I don’t have much experience with this instrument as of yet, so I’m basically jumping in head first. That’s how you learn quickly, right? I have gathered my findings in my treasuries trading guide, and will update it constantly, as I learn new […]

/NGU5 short strangle

My newest trade involves trading options on natural gas, symbol /NG. I’ve been studying how the natural gas market works, gathered my findings in my NG trading guide, so I’m semi-confident in my knowledge of this market. The details of this trade are as follows: Symbol: /NGU5 Status: opening trade Strategy: short strangle, SEP 15 2.5 P /-\ SEP 15 […]

/CLQ5 short strangle

This is the first post in my shiny new options trading journal. Yippie! I finally got approved for everything I needed at TD Ameritrade, since I want to keep using the ThinkOrSwim platform. I know it’s a bit heavy on commissions, but the platform itself is just so much better than anything else out there. Someone recommended […]