/CLH6 short strangle

The details of this trade are as follows:

Date Inst. Mark. # L/S Strike C/P Price Δ Days Max profit Comm. Reason P/L
1 1/4/2016 /CLH6
37.68 1 short 31 P 0.30 0.09 44 $590 $3.71 open
1 short 49 C 0.29 0.10 $3.71
2 1/11/2016 /CLH6
32.38 1 short 28 P 0.60 0.15 37 $410 $3.71 adjustment
1 long (close) 31 P 0.29 0.30 $3.71
1 short 26 P 0.32 0.09 $3.71
1 short 43 C 0.25 0.10 $3.71
1 2/3/2016 /CLH6
31.35 1 long (close) 28 P 0.51 0.20 14 $120 $3.71 adjustment
1 short 26 P 0.22 0.10 $3.71

Trade reasoning

OVX is up, there are tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran. They have severed diplomatic ties. Unless there is some sort of supply disruption, this is actually bearish, since it’ll cause increased production from Iran and the Saudis.

OVX jumped back above 50 again, so I think this is a good time to open the trade, especially since the DTE is ideal as well. $31 is below the 2008 crisis lows, and $49 is very far away, so my strangle is pretty “safe”, or at least as safe as a strangle can be.

The oil glut is still strong, and some say the spring refinery maintenance season will bring new lows. We’ll see. Again, my position size is small, so I can manage the trade if needed, without worrying about an increased position size.
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/ZNH6 short strangle

First trade of the year, volatility is up, markets are down. Going to keep things smaller this year, so I can modify everything freely, without worrying.

The details of this trade are as follows:

Date Inst. Mark. # L/S Strike C/P Price Δ Days Max profit Comm. Event P/L
1 1/4/2016 /ZNH6
126’140 1 short 123.5 P 0″08 .11 46 $250 $3.07 open
1 short 129.5 C 0″08 .11 $3.07
2 1/15/2016 /ZNH6
128’180 1 short 131 C 0″09 .16 35 $218 $3.07 adjustment
1 long (close) 129.5 C 0″35 .35 $3.07
1 short 131 C 0″09 .16 $3.07
1 short 125.5 P 0″06 .10 $3.07
1 2/4/2016 /ZNH6
130’020 1 long (close) 125.5 P 0″01 .02 15 $203 $3.07 adjustment

Trade reasoning

Volatility is up due to some Chinese market selling. Taking advantage of this. Position size is super small, so even if things go against me, I will be able to modify the position without having to worry about the enlarged position size.

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